Call From Browser Latest Version APK for Android

Call From Browser apk
Call From Browser apk

Call From Browser – Make your mobile call numbers you click in your browser!. Call From Browser is offered by vzcreations. Last Updated: April 28, 2015. Current Version: 1.13

Call From Browser – Make your mobile call numbers you click in your browser!

Tired of manually dialing numbers? Click a phone number in your browser and your mobile will dial it – it’s that easy!

1. Install this application
2. Run it, and log-in with the same user you log-in to Chrome
3. Install the Chrome extension from
You’re all set!

1. In your browser, select any phone-number on any webpage, right-click it and press “Call!”
2. Watch magic happening 🙂

Additional Info
• For now, Call From Mobile supports only Chrome and Android, iPhone and Firefox support is coming soon…
• For Call From Mobile to work, you need to log in to the application using the same user you are logged in in Chrome.
• Please send any comments or suggestions to

Latest Updates

– preparations for QR code scanning


Call From Browser APK

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Download Call From Browser APK

Call From Browser for Android

Download Call From Browser for Android

Download Call From Browser APK for Android

Call From Browser 1.13 screenshot

Call From Browser screenshot 0Call From Browser screenshot 1Call From Browser screenshot 2Call From Browser screenshot 3Call From Browser screenshot 4Call From Browser screenshot 5

Android Productivity Apps download

Калькулятор натяжного потолка Latest Version APK for Android

Калькулятор натяжного потолка apk
Калькулятор натяжного потолка apk

Handy calculator to calculate the cost of the stretch ceiling. Калькулятор натяжного потолка is offered by Демидов Виктор. Last Updated: April 28, 2015. Current Version: 1.5

Calculator calculates the cost of the stretch ceiling along the length and width of the room, Space, area and perimeter (where the ceiling is already built in another program). As well it has a useful feature to save the contact in the phone book (written last incoming unknown number after you hang up)
The calculator is convenient to use while talking on the phone (fold call to the home button and start the application), call customer value, write its data and after conversations are all in the phone book.
Before installation, test the demo on your device:

How to pay without a credit card application:

Latest Updates

Добавлено: расчёт люстры(потолочная, крючковая), тип вставки, зависимость расчёта от ширины полотна, дополнительные углы, обводы труб, карниз, ниша под карниз, вытяжка.


Калькулятор натяжного потолка APK

Download Калькулятор натяжного потолка

Download Калькулятор натяжного потолка APK

Калькулятор натяжного потолка for Android

Download Калькулятор натяжного потолка for Android

Download Калькулятор натяжного потолка APK for Android

Калькулятор натяжного потолка 1.5 screenshot

Калькулятор натяжного потолка screenshot 0Калькулятор натяжного потолка screenshot 1Калькулятор натяжного потолка screenshot 2Калькулятор натяжного потолка screenshot 3Калькулятор натяжного потолка screenshot 4Калькулятор натяжного потолка screenshot 5Калькулятор натяжного потолка screenshot 6Калькулятор натяжного потолка screenshot 7

Калькулятор натяжного потолка apk video

See more information and download apk file:

Android Productivity Apps download Latest Version APK for Android download download Scanner. is offered by Neuralink IT Solutions. Last Updated: April 28, 2015. Current Version: 0.0.4 Scanner. Use this app during the event to checkin people who purchased etickets of your event.

Latest Updates

The Official Release of App

Tags 2017


Download APK for Android

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Download APK for Android 0.0.4 screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot 2

Android Productivity Apps download

Entregas BO v2 Latest Version APK for Android

download Entregas BO v2 apk
download Entregas BO v2 apk

Delivery Confirmation invoiced orders. Entregas BO v2 is offered by BELCORP Bolivia. Last Updated: April 28, 2015. Current Version: 2.19

Delivery Confirmation invoiced orders

What’s New

Mejoras en el tracking y parametrizacion.


Entregas BO v2 2017

Download Entregas BO v2 APK

Entregas BO v2 for Android

Download Entregas BO v2 for Android

Download Entregas BO v2 APK for Android

Entregas BO v2 2.19 screenshot

Entregas BO v2 screenshot 0Entregas BO v2 screenshot 1

Android Productivity Apps download

Agent.Watch Latest Version APK for Android

download Agent.Watch apk
download Agent.Watch apk

Real Estate Agents: Stay Safe at Showings & Open Houses. Agent.Watch is offered by Kunversion. Last Updated: April 28, 2015. Current Version: 1.0.10

Agent.Watch works because of a two pronged approach to personal safety. We pair recording your surroundings with the ability to send this online recording to any of your contacts in the event of an emergency. Just the fact of knowing your being recorded is usually enough to dissuade bad behavior.

What’s New

Version 1.0.10

-Improved contact selection


Agent.Watch 2017

Download Agent.Watch APK for Android

Agent.Watch 1.0.10 screenshot

Agent.Watch screenshot 0Agent.Watch screenshot 1Agent.Watch screenshot 2Agent.Watch screenshot 3Agent.Watch screenshot 4Agent.Watch screenshot 5

Agent.Watch apk video

Android Productivity Apps download

Cryptext – With Cryptext just remember one password (the key) to get access to all others


With Cryptext just remember one password (the key) to get access to all others

Cryptext screenshot 0Cryptext screenshot 1

Register on the phone to secure your passwords or sensitive text.
Save crypted details of login or other sensitive data for later retrieval if necessary.
The data can be seen clearly only with the key with which they were generated, therefore, you have just to remember ONE ONLY password (the key) to get access to all the others.
The strength element of this application is based on the fact that there is no login to access the list (easily reversible); the data are encrypted directly using the password typed reading plain text of the data depends on the password which is then fed back; If you enter any other password the system does not return any error, simply it will not be rebuilt and you will not see any text.
The program does not require any permission for access to the Internet so the only chance to make a save backup is to export on the sd card or transmit the file to another device. The exported file will contain the encrypted data, but you can re-import it by entering the correct password.

See more information:

Cuida el Orden – Enables tracking of spiritual practices and the fervor with which it is done

Cuida el Orden

Enables tracking of spiritual practices and the fervor with which it is done

Cuida el Orden screenshot 0Cuida el Orden screenshot 1

“Supports Order and order take care of you,” said St. Augustine. When we take an orderly spiritual life everything is easier. This application lets you keep track of daily spiritual practices that we have and how well we do or true fervor. This journal enables us to evaluate ourselves and improve every day that life of union with God through prayer, reading the Word and other practices that allow us to live out our faith.

Initially this application allows to evaluate six spiritual practices are:
– Mass
– Santo Rosario
– Intimacy with Jesus
– Lectio Divina
– Spiritual Reading
– Prayers of Consecrated

In future versions let you add custom practices and disable those that do not apply to our lives much more besides improving the statistics it has today.

See detail information and download apk file for your android phone:

InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts – Create fonts with your handwriting in 5 mins. Font making has never been easier!

InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts

Create fonts with your handwriting in 5 mins. Font making has never been easier!

InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts screenshot 0InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts screenshot 1InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts screenshot 2InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts screenshot 3InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts screenshot 4InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts screenshot 5InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts screenshot 6InstaFontMaker -Make TTF Fonts screenshot 7

*** InstaFontMaker is under maintenance for one week. We’ll be back on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. We truly apologize for any convenience. ***

The easiest way to turn your handwriting into a font.
Make your own hand font in 5 minutes.

Turn your beautiful handwriting into a typeface with InstaFontMaker (previously Font.My), the first and only font maker for Android. Simply write each letter with your finger or stylus, and instantly get your TrueType font by email. Font making has never been easier…

For the most beautiful results, create a full set of handwritten characters (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, non-English characters) with this PRO version!

What’s more in the paid version?
In the + tab, you can:
– Create an unlimited number of new fonts.
– Delete unused fonts.
– Load previously-made fonts.
– Add more characters to each font (A-Z, 0-9, punctuations, symbols, non-English EU & Thai characters).
– If you plan to Make Fonts for Commercial Use (e.g. sell your fonts), please purchase this paid version. Thank you!

You can also caption images with your handwritten font. Then save or share your life in your own unique font on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, right from your phone.

Built by Google Award winning developers and Stanford engineers, instaFontMaker is fast, fun, and easy. And yes, you can make as many fonts as you like – your kids’, your mom’s, your friends’, your quirky creative fonts, etc.

*** Please note that this is not a font installer for phones (e.g. not FlipFont.) ***


☆ Create your 100% original hand font in 5 minutes.

☆ Undo, redo, set font thickness, and adjust letter spacing.
☆ Use your fonts right away through our built-in feature – “Write” tool, which lets you:
– Annotate photos in your own hand fonts.
– Send polaroid-like photos with handwritten captions to emails and social sites.
☆ Instant sharing to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and email.
☆ Supports English, multiple European languages, and Thai².

¹TTF is the most common format for fonts on both Mac OS and Windows. It can also be used on websites as a web font.

²We’re working hard to constantly improve Font2Go. Feedbacks are welcome at and we’ll try to address them as soon as possible. Currently, Font2Go supports characters in Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Maori, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Welsh.

To add characters, click + at the bottom toolbar –> Set Font Info –> check the set of characters and additional languages –> click OK.

Download apk file for your android phone:

HTTP Remote for Wear – This utility turns your wear or handheld in a REST client for all your projects

HTTP Remote for Wear

This utility turns your wear or handheld in a REST client for all your projects

HTTP Remote for Wear screenshot 0HTTP Remote for Wear screenshot 1HTTP Remote for Wear screenshot 2HTTP Remote for Wear screenshot 3

With HTTP Remote for Wear you can create controls to trigger REST calls for any project you like. Thanks to the wear support you can even trigger these calls from your wrist.

On your handheld you create screens that contain several controls. Each control is linked to a single HTTP call.

This is an open source project. Feel free to contribute at

Check out MAC remote for wear if you want something similar using applescript commands over SSH calls. Available from

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