Notify – Fast and simple reminders. If you want, add notifications to them.


Fast and simple reminders. If you want, add notifications to them.

Notify screenshot 0Notify screenshot 1Notify screenshot 2Notify screenshot 3Notify screenshot 4Notify screenshot 5Notify screenshot 6Notify screenshot 7Notify screenshot 8Notify screenshot 9Notify screenshot 10Notify screenshot 11

You need to take note of something important?
You need a notification to perform an important task?
You need to call someone or send an email but you can only do it later? You need a reminder for this?
You need to remember to take your medication at the correct times?
You need to remember to drink water with a good frequency?
You need to improve your studies, studying on right time? With the frequency set for you?
Notify is the perfect app for you! For your day by day!
Colors in every type of reminder to identify them better.
Possibility of setting alarms on the schedule that you want and with the repetitions you want.
No advertisement!
Also available in Portuguese (Brazil).
Keywords: notification, reminders, tasks, alarms.

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